Leaders achieve more when they know how to play to their strengths and develop adaptive strategies to work outside their comfort zone. Our coaching programs give leaders clarity on how their behavioral style and blind spots shape their approach to others, provide insight into high-value development areas and offer tailored learning and support.
We provide personalized one-on-one leadership development and confidential thought-partnership for senior leaders to:
Improve personal effectiveness so business objectives are achieved more quickly.
Transition from one position to another/onboard/integrate
Increase influence with others throughout the organization
Negotiate tricky interpersonal dynamics
Move from a “doing” to a “leading” mindset
Communicate more persuasively and effectively
Leaders at different levels have different needs
Established leaders have mastered the key elements of leadership that come most naturally to them, but they need help working on stretch areas and addressing blind spots. Targeted, one-on-one coaching helps them to optimize their strengths and develop strategies for how to strengthen weaker areas.
Newly hired or promoted leaders need to hit the ground running. Skill sets from old jobs may not apply. If they are newly hired, they also need to develop new relationships and navigate a new organization. If promoted, they need to rethink existing relationships.
Senior executives must be able to navigate a complex web of interpersonal dynamics to achieve their goals. At this level, coaching is less about personal development and more about gaining insight into and influencing others. They need a confidential thought-partner and business-savvy advisor who is an expert in communication and interpersonal dynamics.
Emerging leaders have the steepest learning curve and fewer resources to draw upon. Group coaching programs give them foundational skills and help them to develop a network of strong relationships across the organization.
Executive coaching is designed to help talented, high-value employees take their leadership and influence skills to the next level.
Our whole person approach builds self-awareness to enhance strengths and zero in on development areas that offer the greatest return. We leverage a suite of select, research-backed tools to inform understanding and build new leadership capabilities.
Our measurement-driven process draws upon data, research and tools with a proven track record of unlocking potential rather than on fads or unvalidated, superficial approaches.
Coaching engagements begin with an extensive assessment process that includes both quantitative and qualitative feedback from key stakeholders, as well as in-depth self- assessment by the individual. Once completed, the consultant then meets regularly with the executive for the next six months or longer, depending on the engagement.
Coaching may include any or all of the following: one-on-one meetings, phone calls, email/text exchanges, job shadowing/observation, joint meetings with client and manager or others, role-playing of mock scenarios with video recording and playback, reading recommendations, and other interventions depending on the client’s specific needs.
All coaching conversations and assessment results are confidential to the executive being coached, however the consultant checks in regularly with the executive’s manager to assess how things are going and make adjustments if necessary. At the conclusion of the program, the consultant gathers wrap-up feedback from key stakeholders on the progress the executive has made during the engagement and shares it with both the executive and his/her manager in a wrap-up meeting.
“Jennifer’s ability to listen and fully understand the nuances of each situation has been remarkable. Her advice has always been astute, insightful, well-grounded in experience and best practices, and highly beneficial. Jennifer has always been a pleasure to work with and I consider her a friend and trusted advisor. ”